Not published yet.
Moving from Dagster to Nvidia
Use Nvidia NIMs and Langchain to create an agent that uses tools to find you a coffee shop
Use Nvidia NIMs and Langchain to create a chatbot based on knowledge from your favorite blog
Talking about bikes
Leaving Google
Steps to get started with dagster using GCP for "local" dev and Dagster Cloud + GKE for production.
An argument and map for 4 modern data stacks.
On leaving RStudio to join Google
Do boxplots provide good intuition about hypothesis tests?
More OCR in a quest for New York Times Spelling Bees
An accidental dive into OCR in a quest for New York Times Spelling Bees
What R users should know about Observable notebooks
Different feature engineering approaches using TidyTuesday's Chopped data
If R & Python is a love story, is Spark an aphrodisiac or a relationship red flag?
Using crosstalk to analyze spatio-temporal data.
Using Github Actions and Data Version Control for ModelOps in R
An inside look at RStudio's decision to embrace Python
I learned my most useful management skill from Ann Perkins
A post about bikes.
My take on "Agile" Data Science